Rainar Angelo

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Day 14: Count how many 'taubas' are in Tauba Tauba 😭

There are some things in life that are worth counting

  1. The number of Pringles in a can

  2. The number of revs when driving a Ferrari

  3. The number of times a puppy jumps when it sees you

This is worth the manual effort.

There are a few things not worth counting (personally speaking) but...

Given the recent hype around a specific song (if you follow Bollywood) going by the name 'Tauba Tauba' I realised that the song, half of it, has the same word.

How many times?



Mastery 🤷🏻‍♂️


What I'm getting at is this:

You're going to encounter data where variables occur much more than 64 times (and that's not worth counting manually either)

Take the flights data set for instance

flights |>
distinct(origin, dest)

This gives you the unique pairing of 'origin' and 'destination' but...

what if you wanted to get a count of the number of times this occurred?

In other words, How many times did a trip have this combination?

That's where the count function comes in

flights |>
    count(origin, dest, sort = TRUE)

The sort = true simply arranges the occurrences in descending order

That's it for today

Tomorrow? We'll summarise what we learned over the week. 

The functions we've used, while simple, are important as a package and come in handy for multiple data manipulation scenarios.