Day 3 - Time to draw some lines ✍️ (introducing graphs)
I'm a little late today but don't worry. We're still learning a new concept. That's a commitment I made and we WILL show up to learn R every. single. day.
Why am I so pumped?
I just realised that there are 140 people learning R.
From this email.
140... people...
Do you realise how big that is?
I'm am psychheeeeedddd
And it would NOT be possible without you!
A quick recap
Yesterday, we learned how to view data sets.
If you're new, don't worry I'll be uploading that to the archive at soon! (just bear with me because it takes time 😅). If you're in a super hurry, reply to this email and I'll send you yesterday's email.
Let's do the customary library loads before we begin
Copy the code above, paste it in your console and hit enter.
If you haven't installed them (because it's your first day refer to installing and loading packages here)
Time to create a graph
We have a goal with the penguins dataset.
Display the relationship between flipper lengths and body masses of these penguins
To do that, we need to plot them on a graph
For that?
We need
A canvas / graph paper
Map x and y axes
Your visualisation approach
Let's begin with the canvas
Our data set is penguins.
To start with a canvas, all we have to do is
You'll see on the right side, under 'plots' a blank gray box.
Yup... that's it.
Not the most exciting but it's good to know what this does :)
Let's move on to mapping the x and y axes.
You can see the x and y axes mapped with the variables selected :)
And now...
For the best part
Visualising the data
For this graph, we'll go with a simple scatterplot.
The 'geom_' is what will help us describe the type of plot.
For a scatterplot, the geom is geom_point()
(Similary, you have geom_bar() and geom_line() for bar and line graphs)
When we put the previous line of code together with geom_point here's what we get
Ignore the error for now (it's basically because the data has two rows of incomplete data)
But yeah! that's what you'll get when you put the three pieces of a graph together
Congratulations ! You made your first graph in R
Tomorrow, we'll make this graph colourful (I must admit it's a little dull right now 👀), but that's enough for today!
Talk tomorrow
and hey...
If you're finding this a lot to digest, reply and let me know
I'm here to help!