Rainar Angelo

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How do you install RStudio and RProgram?

Day 0: Welcome To A Little Bit Of R


Rainar here. Welcome to 'A Little Bit Of R'.

I'm proud of you for taking the first step by investing time in learning R.

We 'officially' begin learning R from tomorrow, but I wanted to help you set things up on your system. 

Before we do that, I want to share something with you.

I made a boo-boo yesterday.

It may seem dumb once I explain it to you, and trust me, you're going to need it to start learning R, but I spent a good deal of time staring at my screen in confusion.

Here I am, working with you, to learn R program and...

I couldn't install the app successfully 😭

The irony isn't lost on me

I did everything I could to fix it.

Google - gave me a 100 solutions, except the one that would work.

Reinstalling - gave me the same error over and over again.

Finally, I resorted to YouTube to view a normal installation video, and, you won't believe it but...




I forgot to install R 🥲

You see...

There are two components to learning R.

One is RStudio.

The other (and this is important) is the R console

I had installed only RStudio but not R.

The moment I had installed R, I was able to get RStudio working!

And, , to ensure that this does NOT happen to you here's what you'll need on your system for tomorrow:

Download Link for R: https://cran.r-project.org

Download Link for RStudio: https://posit.co/download/rstudio-desktop/

Install the version relevant to your OS and you should be good to go

Oh... and once you're done installing both, here's a fun code to try. It's the most cliched thing to do but hey... it's tradition 🤷🏻‍♂️

print("Hello World")

That's it from me for today.

I'll catch you tomorrow
