3 Ways Podcasts Help You Become A Better Speaker

Podcasts are a great way to become a better speaker.

Speaker in this content refers to art of speaking. It can be as an interviewer, moderator, guest, you name it! The benefits of refining your skill in these roles can renew your participation and contribution.

Fortunately, there are a lot of great podcasts out there so choosing one that works for you shouldn't be difficult.

You Can Start By Choosing A Podcast That Interests You

Eliminating friction is key. Two ways to do this are choosing

  1. A topic that interests you

  2. A host that inspires you

If you're feeling stuck, I'd suggest "The Tim Ferriss Show" because the array of topics shouldn't be too difficult to reel you in.

Here are three things that could help you:

1. Leading The Conversation As An Interviewer

Asking the right question to start a conversation can be tricky.

There are different ways to do and podcast hosts seem to have that bit nailed down. Sometimes it's basic. Sometimes they dive right into a specific incident. It comes down to your level of comfort with the person but the right phrasing helps.

2. Intentional Listening Keeps The Conversation Natural

While podcasts require a lot of planning and preparation (including questions asked to the guest), a lot of work is reduced by being interested in the guest.

A skill that's useful when your goal is to have a natural conversation. It's simple, genuine and segues well into different topics.

3. Minimizing Fillers (Aaa, Umm...)

It's quite common to use fillers when we speak. Sounds like aaa, umm often show that we're nervous or unprepared.

Listening to podcasts has helped slow down speaking on public platforms and the usage of fillers has reduced. The best way to do this is to practice avoiding fillers actively.


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