Dealing with a crappy day? 3 things you can do

I've had a very tiring day. Seems to be a recurring theme with the pandemic. This isn't an essay on learning or being productive. It's about the most important thing you can do - cut yourself some slack.

“Just when you feel you have no time to relax, know that this is the moment you most need to make time to relax.” ― Matt Haig

Bad days deserve a good ending. Beating yourself over it doesn't help. What does help however:

(a mandate before all this is keeping your phone locked away)

#1 Having a shower 🚿:

I've never regretted taking a shower.

Shampoo, water and music (this is key)? What's not to love ✨

#2 Netflix and (Actually) chill 💆‍♂️:

Times like this are when you don't think about productivity and all the other terms that dominate hustle culture. I love a productive day, I really do, but on such days? Chill.

#3 4-4-6 Breathing 🧘‍♂️:

The 4-4-6 breathing pattern i.e.

  • 4 seconds of inhalation

  • 4 seconds holding your breath

  • 6 seconds of exhalation

Do this for as many minutes as you please. 3 minutes is what I normally do but, you do you 😄.

“The body can endure practically anything--pain, fatigue, you name it-- but its the mind that matters.” ― Dave Pelzer


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