The Greatest Asset You Can Invest In 2022 (Or Any Other Year Really)

Investment advice is seen floating all around the internet - Mutual funds, Stocks, Crypto and the list goes on. I'll leave financial advice to financial experts.

The Greatest Asset You can invest in, this year is YOU.

If the pandemic has taught us one thing it is this - Mass lay offs by companies that are looking to cut costs.


Because someone can do the job you were doing. 😕
i.e. you were replaceable

How can you be irreplaceable?

By having skillsets or their combination that is unique to you. Something that cannot be trained or transferred onto someone easily.

Skills learned as a result of a path you took have more value than that acquired via the path of formal education.

How do you acquire a unique combination of skills?

#1. Follow your curiosity

Pursuing interests driven by your curiosity ensures that you don't need to work harder on things like motivation. The passion is already fueled by our own thirst for knowing things.

#2. Read fundamentals

Read the fundaments - books that build/ built the foundation of these interests. They help you form your base.

#3. Learn to sell. Learn to build

Knowing how to sell is often ignored and perceived as something that people in sales have to do. Honestly, everyone needs to know how to pitch ideas, suggestions and eventually the outcome of these ideas.

Learning to build is necessary because your ideas cannot remain ideas.

#4. Write books, blogs, record videos and podcasts

Sharing your thoughts, ideas, products and knowledge through the different platforms that are available today help in creating a brand, an audience and eventually customers who understand you and the things you build.

“Successful people don’t earn more, then invest. They invest so they can earn more.” ― Erin Hatzikostas


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