A hug - and a letter


It’s been more than a year since the pandemic and we’re still not able to exchange pleasantries. Nonetheless, I think we all deserve to face the fact that we’ve gone through a lot and at the very least deserve a hug.
So, here’s an open letter from me to everyone. Feel free to share.

Mangalore, April 17

Dear friend

It’s been a tough year. I’m not going to sugar coat it and say it gets better. I honestly don’t know and I’m at a point it seems way too familiar now.

You’ve spent most of your days moving from screen to screen, from class to class or meeting to meeting. You probably did this from the same chair you’re currently sitting in. Ironically, I’m doing the same as I write this.

I’d like to say that it’s okay. Whatever happened in the past year is okay. It maybe unfair, annoying and at times made you feel helpless. I understand because I’ve felt that way too. You should be proud that you’re still standing tall.

In the larger scheme of things, this will all seem immaterial. You got some bad grades or you had a bad presentation at work. It is what it is. The only way forward is to dust it off and move on. Don’t be too hard on yourself because it’s not worth it. Nothing is worth beating yourself down over every single thing that happens.

I want to keep this short but I hope this letter leaves you with three things I’ve learned over the year. When something bad happens
Smile. I always feel better after a smile. It just works.
Don’t lose faith in your beliefs. Whether it’s religion or a philosophy you practice.
Do what you can and keep doing what you can every single day.

There’s actually a fourth. Be silly. I’m being silly quite often.

Go grab a cookie and drink some milk.

Hugs, Rainar.


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