Why You Should Be Creating More Than You Consume - 3 Ways To Get Started

There is a LOT of content out there. If I tried to fit it all into my head, my fuzzy little brain would explode. 💥

With the information overload around me, I realized there was no way I could run away from all this. Instead, I just needed to take a different path. By consuming less and creating more, I was able to let out all the crazy ideas in my head.

Unfortunately, for a long time, the ideas kept growing without an outlet. If you're in a similar situation, creating more often is the way to go.

What Does 'Create More Often' Mean?

Creating more often is the simple act of doing something of your own accord, for yourself, using your ideas. Sharing, of course, is an option.

“Write it. Shoot it. Publish it. Crochet it, sauté it, whatever. MAKE.” ― Joss Whedon

How does one get started if they haven't?

Step 1: What Is It That Interests You?

You're doing this for yourself. It is, therefore, crucial to pick the things that interest YOU.

Writing may have zero appeal to you, but you might like art, or you might like talking. That could lead to learning digital art or starting a podcast. It could something as basic as pencil sketching.

In the end, it comes down to what you would do on your own accord.

Step 2: This Is Now Your Identity - Live Like It

If you start creating art, do not hesitate in calling yourself an artist.

By accepting the identity that defines your creativity, you build a more sustainable approach.

Step 3: Show Your Work

Once you start creating content, if starting a product, service or business is your goal - Show Your Work.

In the initial days, clicking share or publish might feel scary but if you don't show, people will never know.

“The worst troll is the one that lives in your head.” ― Austin Kleon


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